We are pleased to announce that at Veľká okružná Elementary School in Partizánske, we have taken an innovative step in recent months to improve the air quality that our students breathe every day. As part of the initiative called Healthy Schools we have installed eight Senseir air quality monitoring devices.
This installation was completed at the end of August before the start of the 2023/2024 school year and represents a significant move towards ensuring healthy air for our students and teachers. Why is this so important?
The Importance of Air Quality Monitoring in Schools
An increasing number of studies show that air quality in school premises has a significant impact on the health and performance of students. Poor air quality can lead to issues with concentration, fatigue, irritability, and decreased academic performance. Schools should be places where children can learn and develop their abilities safely, and proper air quality is a key factor in achieving this goal.

The issue of air quality is a global problem, and our country is no exception. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 93% of all children live and study in environments with air pollution levels that exceed WHO and European Environment Agency (EEA) guidelines. This fact is alarming and urgent.

Solution: Senseir and the Healthy Schools Initiative
The main goal of the Senseir solution is to support effective air quality management. At Veľká okružná Elementary School, we have decided to take action, and these sensors help us integrate air quality monitoring into our school environment.
We have installed eight Senseir air quality monitoring devices, which monitor various parameters such as humidity, temperature, CO2, dust, barometric pressure, CO, radiation, and lighting. The measured data is evaluated in real-time, and based on the results, responsible staff at the school are immediately informed about the need for ventilation or other measures to improve air quality.

Senseir is equipped with the Sense.io analytical platform, allowing for real-time data storage, analysis, and display. This information is accessible not only on the Senseir devices' displays but also on mobile devices and tablets, enabling easy access and quick response to current air conditions.

In addition to the benefits for students' and teachers' health, Senseir is an environmentally friendly solution. It is manufactured in Slovakia using recyclable materials and is powered by solar energy and batteries, minimizing its carbon footprint.
The result of this initiative is a healthier and safer environment for our students, as well as an example we hope others will follow.
We hope that the installation of Senseir devices at our school will bring about positive changes and raise awareness about air quality in schools. We will continue to monitor and improve air quality, and we hope our efforts will serve as a model for other educational institutions.