V spoločnosti Sense sa dennodenne snažíme neustále napredovať a prinášať nové a moderné prístupy a technológie v oblasti priemyselnej senzoriky. Aj to je dôvodom prečo sa spájame s profesionálmi a odborníkmi z praxe a naše postupy dôkladne konzultujeme.
Jedným vysoko expertným odborníkom je aj pán MUDr. Viliam Bršiak, MPH, ktorý je vedúci tímu PZS, je pracovný lekár s dĺžkou praxe viac ako 30 rokov. 4 roky pracoval na vedúcich pozíciách Okresnej hygienickej stanice Považská Bystrica, cez 10 rokov vo vedení RÚVZ Žilina. Od roku 2006 pôsobí ako vedúci tímu pracovnej zdravotnej služby Pro Benefit s.r.o. Je odborníkom na výskum a hodnotenie neuropsychickej záťaže, fyzickej záťaže a ergonomických aspektov práce. Dvadsať rokov pôsobil ako súdny znalec v odbore medicína a farmácia so špecializáciou na pracovné lekárstvo. Ďalej sa zaujíma o problematiku civilizačných ochorení a možnosti ich prevencie.
S pánom Bršiakom sme vám priblížili zopár otázok na tému „kvalitné ovzdušie“:
Why is it important to measure the air quality?
The human lungs area is on average the size of a tennis court. Human contact with the external environment takes place in this area . The parameters of individual components influence human health. The amount of oxygen, carbon dioxide, chemical squadrons and dust particles have an impact on our health and even our performance. Therefore, monitoring indoor air quality is very important mainly as we have possibilities to improve it.

V čom vidíte najväčší prínos zariadenia Senseir v súvislosti s touto problematikou?
This device monitors above mentioned air components but its ability for continuous measurement is crucial. The spectrum of measured factors is sufficient to comprehensive review of the air quality.
What effect can on human health be due to worse air parameters?
Every air parameter if exceeding or not reaching the recommended value can lower performance and in case of further deterioration can damage health. The temperature, humidity, amount of CO2, dust or chemicals. Each of these factors can cause health problems. The more of these factors are out of recommended values the worse effects.
What places or groups of people do you consider as the most risky and is it needed to monitor them?
Of course children and adolescents are the most sensitive to microclimate changes especially if they suffer from any respiratory system disorders (e.g. asthma, irritative coughs) or cardiovascular system disorders too. If more people stay for longer time in the closed space the concentration of CO2 and temperature as well as the metabolic products by respiration is higher. The necessary parameters are monitored and so there can be effective selection of measures to improve them.

Môžete nám ako odborník navrhnúť podľa vašich skúseností, čo aplikovať v prípade zhoršených parametrov ovzdušia?
There are many possible measures. In the building or room it is possible to install a total air conditioning with a machine-room where it is possible to regulate the temperature, humidity, fresh air supply and filters. Portable devices are available to regulate indoor climate too. They have different functions and performance levels according to the volume of air in the room. Even short term intensive ventilation improves the microclimate which brings the immediate effect on the screen.
Ďakujeme Vám za rozhovor.
Tím Sense.